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Savage Lands

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1230COTM November
Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:17 am
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NSL Sanction Board
810Training Rules...
Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:03 am
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Introductions and Absences

30118I'm here! .. Aga...
Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:48 pm
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Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:32 am
Dominic Edrick View latest post
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Savage Lands Encyclopedia

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The Bingo Book

A book containing the Ninja World's most powerful shinobi. Filled with information concerning each ninja, this book is a bounty hunter's dream come true. Only the finest warriors should attempt to go in this book. Are you the hunter or the hunted?
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Canon Jutsu Database

1563Earth Release Te...
Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:32 pm
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Shinobi Info Cards

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Character Creation

Create your own custom characters here, no canon characters will be approved.

Approved Characters, NPC Area
82376Ai Kimoto no Usa...
Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:44 pm
Yumiko_Amayari View latest post
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Clan Creation

Create your own custom clans here, all canon clans will be handeled by members of the staff. If you do not see the canon clan you wish to join then PM an Admin about it. Do not send more than one PM to a staff member.

Custom Clans, Canon Clans
35277Ironborne Clan (...
Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:21 pm
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Jutsu Creation

Summoning Center, Jutsu List
102901Omega Shifumetsu...
Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:23 am
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Item Creation

Want a special item unique to you? Or would you rather make something more basic but still for you to be able to use in character? Be sure to register it here to be approved.

Pet Shop, Approved Items, Inventory
Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:06 pm
Takeshi View latest post
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Land of Snakes

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Hidden Storm (Arashigakure)

Near constant storms rage here, without warning the weather will change and adapt to the whims of an unseen force. The metallic structures that compose the village draw the lightning away and ground it deep below the surface to protect it's citizens from harm. The people of this land tend to have a deep connection to the regional mythology and take the faith seriously.

Hebi no tō, Mission Board, Mission Log, Weapon Shop, Temple of Thor, Loki's Delight, Wall of the World Serpent, Hel's Deep, Showering Plains, Fenrir's Grove, Valhalla, Amagumo, Kinzoku Castle, ANBU Headquarters
58544Double your stud...
Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:13 am
Lee View latest post
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This is otherwise known as the world tree and in the Land of Snakes is looked upon as a holy place believed to house the creation of the entire world. On the bark of the tree itself there are several encampments and small villages of people that worship the tree. It is surrounded for a sea of molten metal many miles across, unable to be bent even by the most powerful Kinzoku master and will melt flesh from bone upon contact. The world tree is tunneled out to give access to its insides but is unable to be destroyed.

Midgard, Aesir, Vanaheimr, Jötunheimr, Álfheimr, Helheimr, Svartálfaheimr, The Primordial Realms
11Nordic Lore: Ygg...
Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:46 am
Takeshi View latest post
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Land of Tides

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Hidden Hurricane (Harikengakure)

Giving full truth to the name hidden, this village resides underneath a cliff just below Mt. Myria, hovering over the famous, Sound of Pisces. As continuous swirling gales corrupt the Land of Tides, Harikengakure remains protected as its design is impeccable. Coming across this hidden marvel, one would never expect having to flip their state of mind.

Shiokage's Office, Mission Board, Mission Log, Weapon Shop, Ao Phalanx Harbor, Mt. Myria, Shipwreck Cove, Shinkiro River, ANBU Headquarters
58562Hurricane Force:...
Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:20 pm
Etai View latest post
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Shivering Isles

A series of islands found in countless bed time stories, what lives here is known for sure only to those that believe the legends. Will you brave the dangers of the Shivering Isles?

Shogun Shoto, Aita Dōkutsu no Shima, Furattotoppurokku, Hyō no Mori
662Rendevous Point....
Wed Nov 21, 2012 3:40 pm
Tenshi Uchiha View latest post
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Caelum Apicem Draconem

A utopia floating in the sky upon a pair of divine stone wings, the sky peak of dragons houses the legendary summons of the dragon contract seal and has done so for countless centuries. Appearing as a set of three mountains turned upside down in the sky with rock formations like the wings of a dragon it is untouched by human impurity and can only be accessed by those of a heart deemed worthy by king Kaiser by means of the Regni Ad Caelum (realm to the sky).

Agro Deorum, Naturae Turris, Pelvim Interiorem
333Koga and Dominic...
Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:06 pm
Dominic Edrick View latest post
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Saru no shima

Hidden from the prying eyes of mankind, within a fog cloud that has sent countless brave men to their watery graves, lies an isle unable to be put to words. For miles away people passing by via ship can hear the warnings issued by it's inhabitants, primal howls of rage and bloodlust that ring as nightmarish songs in stories in the Land of Tides. This isle houses the apes who can crush mountains and boil oceans with pure power and might. Hidden within a vast jungle that stays in the triple digit range of temperature regardless of what is going on outside the fog lies these legendary warriors and it is said that every hundred years they will pick those who are worthy to enter their kingdom and learn both their ways of life and their style of fist.

Valley Temple, Ape Mountain, The Forbidden Kingdom
150Meeting the Fami...
Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:14 pm
Tappaja View latest post
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Land of Red Sand

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Hidden Oasis (Oashisugakure)

Located in the midst of the giant desert of the Red Sand country, Oashisugakure remains hidden from the majority of the world completely due to the ever raging sand storm surrounding it blending in with the other frequent sand storms in the area. Beautiful buildings composed of sandstone dot the layout of it's interior with people that are kind to peaceful strangers.

Akaisunakage's Office, Mission Board, Mission Log, Weapon Shop, The Meat Locker, Far Oasis, Gurando Byoin, The Buzzard's View, Los Infernos Tres, Zasshu Desert, ANBU Headquarters
34261Buds Blossom int...
Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:48 pm
Lacey Edrick View latest post
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The Forbidden City (Zijin Cheng)

Sometimes called Huànyǐng Cheng (Mirage City), this giant palace appears to be an ancient Chinese structure suited for none other than the emperor himself. Miles upon miles of red buildings line paved roads with one gigantic temple resting at the very center. This city is invisible from almost every angle from the outside, this is a trick played by the sun in the desert and has helped the citizens avoid bandits and raiders for centuries.

Mirage Tower (Hǎishìshènlóu tǎ), The Spirit Castle (Jīngshén chéngbǎo), Hall of the Dead (Dàtīng sǐ), The Purple Garden (Zǐ yuán), Crystal Lake (Shuǐjīng hú), Legend Temple (Xiāngchuán sìmiào)
211Seeking Forgiven...
Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:56 pm
Nahaji Sankuro View latest post
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Land of Blazes

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Hidden Volcano (Huoshangakure)

The village of Huoshangakure is in the center island of the Land of Blazes, where most people would assume uninhabitable. In the center of the main island is the largest volcano out of the thousands that cover the country. It is always erupting and covering the sky with thick, black smoke and making ash rain upon the village. Because of this, most villagers are pale and have an extreme resistance to heat. Building created throughout the country are made of metamorphic and volcanic rocks that are stained black from the massive amounts of soot.

Sanguis Turris, Mission Board, Mission Log, Weapon Shop, Portam inferni, Morte anulum, Ferventis Lacum, Antro Exurens, Saltus Vaporis
38220A Village of Ash...
Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:28 pm
Sesshomaru View latest post
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Land of Vines

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Hidden Forest (Morigakure)

The forest that this village resides in and is surrounded by is said to be filled with an impenetrable serenity. The trees themselves are thought of to be alive, filled with a peace that no one fully understands. The massive, beautiful trees are also said to protect their village from the superfluous matters of a corrupt world. Everyone that has searched for the village that hasn't been invited there by its inhabitants has gotten lost in the deep forest, and on common occurrences, they have lost their sanity entirely searching for the village. The buildings themselves have literally been sung out of the trees. Why singing to the plants coaxes the plants into growing into structures however, is still a mystery.

The Castle of Illismera, Mission Board, Mission Log, Weapon Shop, The Forest Floor, The Canopy, The Sacred Grove, High Kjerag
41255A Day in the Lif...
Wed Oct 24, 2012 5:51 pm
Dachou Ijouna View latest post
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Elkwood is a small village along the outskirts of the forest of the land of vines. Edging the coastline, it contains the only port in the region. All paths that cross through the forest lead to this small town in order to lead travelers away from the main village. But when they get here, they simply come to a small suburb-like small town. The houses here are all cabins. The town has its own armory, its own mill, its own general store, and a river flowing through the center, crossable by one of two small bridges located at either side of town. Each entrance to the village, one on the East and one on the West, are guarded by two large archways with militia stationed on the top levels of each, and militia patrolling the ground underneath it. The town is surrounded by a wall of pointed and sharpened logs stuck vertically into the ground alongside one another. The little town answers directly to the Tsurukage, but the people there don't broadcast that fact to outsiders.

The Shrine of Shadows, The Sawmill, Balimund's Forge
120A Plague of Beas...
Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:14 pm
Skar View latest post
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Pantano del Verraco

A swampy forest where few have managed to see, yet almost no one has been able to get in. Passerby can hear the sounds of mighty battles inside the swamp, where hooves beat on the ground and bone seems to clash with bone. It is an island in a sense, surrounded by a vast amount of mud that seems to emanate a power that has seen stars die and be reborn. It seems that the mud is an ocean, and only on the horizon can one see the island in the middle. Those who try to cross it will feel themselves being sucked in and their strength would fade away, unless the Mighty Boar deems them worthy to cross into his territory.

Vida de Colmillo, Bosque Sangriento, Cueva de Sabio de Tierra
9113Redeeming For Pa...
Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:34 pm
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The Portal to Twilight

The Twilight is an area only accessible through the portal in Elkwood at the Shrine of Shadows. The area of Twilight holds neither light or darkness, but is held in a strange limber state in between. Constantly through the air, small ripples appear in random spots where the darkness and light try to bridge a connection into this world, proving unsuccessful.
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Land of Southern Frost

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Hidden Tundra (Tsundoragakure)

Located in the midst of a frozen waste, the village hidden in the tundra is a place not for the feint of heart. Though still often falling below freezing in temperature there is a heat source said to be located beneath the structures fueled by a dragon's heart that makes living here possible.

Shimokage's Office, Mission Board, Mission Log, Weapon Shop, Dragon's Breath Cavern, Frozen Outskirts, Ninja Academy, ANBU Headquarters
27176Pork and Scenic ...
Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:09 pm
Mizuki View latest post
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The Frostfell

A seemingly never ending expanse of frozen soil and terrible twisted mountains, those that dare to venture deep into The Frostfell are often the best and most cunning shinobi but often times even legends never return from this frozen hell.

120Dark times are r...
Sat Nov 03, 2012 1:10 am
Nami View latest post
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Welcome to the open country. These vast open spaces are travelled by all who seek to explore new lands. Where will your journey lead you? It's for you to decide, however explore with caution.
"Mission" Board, "Mission" Log
29136A Friendly Farew...
Tue Oct 23, 2012 1:24 am
Ai Takahashi View latest post
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Chūnin Exams

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Chūnin Exams

The localized location for all Chūnin Exam fight topics for easy access by the mod running it. Locations are still within the host village IC and determined by the hosting kage.
659Chuunin Exams: T...
Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:05 pm
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OOC Area

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Advertisement & Affiliation

Advertisement Center, Affiliation Section
39Naruto: Province...
Thu Nov 22, 2012 1:16 pm
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Art Gallery
1034Character Theme ...
Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:45 pm
Tokugawa Katsumoto View latest post
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OOC Battles

791Akenomyōsei vs. ...
Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:56 am
Dominic Edrick View latest post
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Ryo Transfer

1841Dominic to Trigo...
Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:21 pm
Dominic Edrick View latest post
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